Friday 22 April 2011

A useful recipe: Combine leveling, farming and gold, all together!

This is our first actual post about gold making, and I hope you like it!

Here goes...

Start a new character (Unless you have a druid with Herbalism and Mining already...)
What you want him to be, is either Druid(has Flight Forms, Travel form and even Cat form, and also doesn't have to budge in extra money for his Swift Flying form if i recall correctly) or Shaman(Ghost Wolf)
Apart from Class, you should take your time thinking about your race.
I picked Tauren, since they have faster herb gathering rates.

Now, all you need to do, is level up a bit, like, level 5 or so. That's enough. Then, plan routes, depending on the area you begun. Since you're this low, take your time questing as well. When you reach a level which you can farm Herbs and Ore without any problem, ditch them. For me, that was level 10.

Remember to turn on both Find Herbs and Find Ore.

You could create routes yourself, or find some nifty ones online. I am going to post my own Swamp of Sorrows map, check the bottom of the post.

But leveling without gear is always a problem, either way you do it. Killing or Gathering.
Every level or so, i queue up myself, and since I made a shaman, I queue as healer. The gear can be used for Elemental as well, but do not forget that you can use your Heirlooms! Heirlooms with XP bonuses (I believe) add up to the XP you gain from mining and herbalism.

Now you would say, where's the gold?
That stuff you just mined/picked is simply goldmine. Using the Auctionator I can post tons of stacks quickly, and instantly check for undercuts! Simply use your brain on this one. Also, keep these rules in mind: Ore is worth more than bars, because it can be smelt to bars, but bars can't be unsmelt to ore. For herbs that's entirely different, since there are so many herbs. Just put them up raw.

Now, if you have a scribe, you can mill all those herbs and make glyphs, and own the glyph market!

The best of all this is that your character levels up! You gain more XP (Most of the time) than monsters out there give when killed.

Last things, keep in mind that if herbs started giving TOO low XP, move to a higher tier of herbs.

Here's the link of the Swamp of Sorrows map, mainly herbs.
BLACK is the default route
RED are subroutes I sometimes take if I don't find as many herbs. In general, try to search the whole area. It isn't an area many people quest in, and has so many nodes that you will never run out!

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